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This page is composed of strategies submitted to me by other people. If you have a strategy, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. When you send me your strategy, please keep in mind the ones that are already on this page. I am trying not to post similar strategies. Also, I've been getting lots of strategies but no building orders. Building orders are good. These messages are not edited for spelling or anything. When you submit, if I decide to post your strategy, your e-mail will also be posted unless you tell me not to.

Terran Strategy

Sumitted by ~moonshine~
well shit it looks like the terrans players could use some help so ill send a couple tips.
1.the expansion pack is out so buy it we could use the units
2.deploy mines if you are being attacked by cloaked units they will "unhide them"
3.dont stim up teh marines or fire bats more than once in a 5 second period it does no good
4.a fleet of battleships that can do 36 damage to any target is a ass whooping waithing to happen
5.expand fast!!!!!! more cities means more money
6.this is the best secert use EMP shockwave on the protoss buildings as it will take out the shields*** do this just before you send a nuke
7.wall yourself in with depots and place barracks behind them if fighting the protoss
if anyone wants more then mail me at [email protected]
my starcraft name is ~moonshine~

Submitted by K_Hunter
There is one terran island strategy that seems to work every single time against the protoss, but not the zerg. It works especially well in a 2 player game on "Dire Straits." Here it is.
-Build up a huge force of scvs, as usual
-Make a barracks, supply depots, engineering bay, and a factory without a machine shop
-Build eight marines for defense, and set up bunkers and turrets
-Once your infrastructure is in place, build a command center and fly it off to a resource base, and the crank out three starports, one with a control tower
-get a comsat station (for spotting observers,) make as many wraiths as you can, and research cloaking
-set up expansion bases and kill your opponents'. With 24 wraiths, and new ones on the way, this shouldn't be a problem.
-with the extra income, build what you need to get battlecruisers, and research the yamato gun and collosus reactor as fast as you can. be sure to snuff out any new expansion bases by the protoss
-once you have 6 bcs, use the yamato gun to slice through their base, supported by wraiths
-If necessary, land marines for the final punch
Hope you like this. Remember, it doesn't work as well against the zerg.

Sumitted by [email protected]
When playing the single player terran game, You can destroy you enemies very effectively in the first eight or nine levels by using siege tanks and goliaths. Two siege tanks and four goliaths (preferably more) and a couple of scv's can be enough to take out an entire enemy base. First make sure that all vehicle upgrades have been completed. Make sure that you have researched siege tech. Assign quick keys to your tanks, goliaths, and each of your SCV's. March your troops in with you goliaths in the lead and the others in behind. Set your siege tanks to tech mode wherever you plan to have a battle. Make sure that your goliaths are just in front of the tanks, but use the hold command to make sure that they don't run off to engage an enemy that is
running away or something. The tanks will take out most of you enemies before they can even get close to you, and your goliaths can destroy the rest when they do. Be sure to have your SCV's repair you units constantly after each battle. Use you tanks to take out enemy buildings from afar, but don't target the buildings, that way your tanks can take out any units that close in on your group. Mentioned above was the minimum, you might want to use more tanks for the harder levels, but not too many (four is enough) otherwise, it gets a little cumbersome to handle. If your enemies also have long range fighters, you could run into trouble, so this is for the person on an early level who doesn't want to spend much money or time (depending on how good you are).

Sumitted by [email protected]
OK surround yourself in supply depots. Build about 5 bunkers and lots of Siege tanks. Keep your base pretty basic. Probably some suply depots, one command center w/comsat, 2 barracks, Factory w/machine shop, academy, starport if you like terran air (I hate terran air). After ya have that and lots of defence build another base somewhere else. It's always nice to have more money comin in from two places. I myself think nukes add more stress and is too much with the ghosts and researchin the cloaking and a nuclear silo, and the buildin it all and prayin your ghost doesn't die. I don't like it. But if you do and you are nukin a protoss EMP!!!! THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you don't the shields take it all and you just wasted a nuke. make sure you emp.

Submitted by Rodney69
Guarding expansion spots...
Terrans seem to have a major disadvantage in this area because they lack the specialized scouting unit like Protoss observer. However, there is one option that is frequently overlooked. Spider mines! Place some spider mines near the minerals At an
empty position and you will be notified of an intruder when you hear a nice loud explosion.
Playing against the Zerg...
When playing a against a Zerg player you should focus on rushing or defense. For defense build 2 or 3 Bunkers and fill them up with Marines and firebats. If you want to rush, Build at least three barracks and pump out Marines like crazy. If possible move the barracks right next to the enemy base! Science vessels are probably the Terran's best weapon against the Zerg because of one single spell.... Irradiate. This spell does full damage to every single Zerg unit and can kill most of them in one shot! Plus, the Science vessels can cast it three times in quick succession! Make sure you have Science vessels everywhere and cast Irradiate every chance you get.
Playing the against Protoss...
When playing against a Protoss player, you should go total offense from the very beginning. Go straight for their probes and there assimilators to put a dent in their economy. Remember, Protoss units cost a lot of money so hurt their economy as much as possible. Also, never leave a Protoss player alone for any longer than a few minutes, if they have the time to gather resources and build an army you're screwed. Vultures and spider mines are great weapon against the Protoss. Spider mines are very useful for softening up an oncoming horde of Zealots. Protoss units are tough so dealing them damaged every chance you get is very important against them. Another use for spider mines is guarding resources. Plant some Spider mines near an expansion spot and you'll be immediately notified if the enemy is trying to expand their base. If possible, before attacking a Protoss base, use the science vessel to EMP their Defense structures. EMP Destroys their shields, drastically decreasing to the amount of damage the structure can take. EMP is also useful just before you nuke their base.
Planning an attack...
One of the best ways to plan the attack is adding on a ComSat station to your command center. The ComSat station will reveal whatever part of the map that you wish to see. Its is very useful for finding the enemy before they find you. Not only can you find them, but you can also see what their base looks like and how strong they are. When using your ComSat station look for weaknesses in their defense. Look for areas where you can bring in some Wraiths, Battleships, or Dropships. If you can find a weakness like that move in and attack. Don't waste manpower on attacking buildings until you have killed all the enemies that can attack you, then proceed with attacking their mineral gathering units, then you attack their buildings. Ghost..
Ghosts are great specialty units. Their nukes are expensive and hard to execute but once you fire off a successful nuclear strike, you've caused some major damage. Because firing a nuke is hard and dangerous, your best bet is to take along at least 3 ghosts. Chances are at least one of them will be successful! Not to mention what would happen if all three were successful! Well placed nukes in the center of an enemy base can mean the end of them and a win for you so practice using nukes all the time. Mastering the nuke adds a whole new level of skill to your game.
Terran vs Terran: Offense...
First you'll need a ComSat Station, at least a 5 Siege Tanks, and one or two Marines. These are a must! Move this group of units out of range of their defense and inch your marines forward until he is shot by an enemy Siege Tank. Move your Siege Tanks just out of range of their Siege Tanks. Since Siege Tanks can shoot farther than they can see, if you ComSat their defense line, you can shoot it down with your Siege Tanks and they won't be able to shoot you until they move their Siege Tanks forward or they ComSat your attack force!
Terran vs Terran: Defense...
Terrans have a distinct defense advantage over the other races because of a single structure: the bunker. A bunker is like adding 350 extra hitpoints to any Terran infantry unit. You should have at least 4 filled bunkers with a 3:1 Marine to Firebat ratio (this ratio can change depending on the types of units your enemy is using). Behind these bunkers, have as many siege tanks (in siege-mode) as possible. This kind of defense is extremely hard to beat forcing your opponent to try other methods of attack.It's also very useful, but not totally necessary, to plant a bunch of Spider Mines in front of your defense formation. A nice way to soften up the enemy forces before they get in range! Especially softening the shields of the Protoss warriors. Also set up Missile Turrets around your base, for air-attacks. After the enemy has tried, but failed to penetrate your bunkers have your SCV's go repair all Bunkers, Siege Tanks, and Missile Turrets.

Submitted by Green_Soul
Here's about the best bunker setup for any map with money. build about 4 or 5 bunkers (fill them with 3 marines and 1 firebat) and place 4 seige tanks (in seige mode) behind them. After you have a science facility with a covert ops station, replace marines in the bunkers with ghosts. They have an incredible range so, if the other guy isn't paying attention, you can send out a guy and lure several enemies to their deaths. This works great againt the zerg. Zerg aren't bad themselves. You can only build things on the creep, so go crazy on a zerg opponent. Destroy a sunken colony and send drones in to build sunken colonies where his or hers used to be. hehehe then gradually assimilate their base, piece by piece. (DO NOT USE THIS STRATEGY IF THEY HAVE ALOT OF FLIERS OR IF IT IS LATE IN THE GAME!!!!! YOU'LL GET SQUISHED AND LOOK DUMB AS A ROCK!!!!)

Protoss Strategy

Submitted by Rumero
Here is a strategy for protoss that will work almost everytime! This is a strategy that works really well with any of the hunters maps. Well you start out and get all of your probes gathering minerals other than 1 which you take to your entrance and build 2 pylons. Then when one of those get built you build your forge. DO NOT build a gateway because you won't have enough minerals to build your cannons with!! Ok. Now build 5-6 cannons at theentrance of your base or how ever many that you feel necessary to hold off the enemy. Now build 6 probes and gather gas from 2 vespene guysers if you are on BGH or Hunters $$. Now build your gateway....your cybernetics core....4-5 stargates....a fleet beacon and build the hell out of carriers!! This a strategy that I came up with myself but lots of people claim to have started it when they just think they did.

Sumitted by Mankind
People say scouting with protoos is very hard the easiest way to do it is with observers. But if your opponent has detectors... then what?
This strategy only works in maps with critters. Those tiny little animals. You must have a high templar with HALLUCINATION researched. Then halluiciShaoman one of the critters. you will have a copy of the critter now make your way towards your opppenents base. Easy huh?
NOTE: Make sure that your critter doesn't walk on a straight line, your opponent might notice it. Instead walk into different directions, pretend that the critter is the real thing

Zerg Strategy

Submitted by [email protected]
1st off, build enough drones so that you have one for each mineral feild. Dont build an extractor. then your spawning pool. After that hatch as many zerglings as you can OR build an extractor and a Hydralisk den, and then hydralisks. Then attack with about 3/4 of the forces you currently have, saving the rest for defence. This attack may or may not take out your opponent, but its main purpose is to put them off balance, or make them think you're doing a full-fledged rush. your not. Afterwards make an evolution chamber, upgrade hatchery to lair,and build creep colonies around your base.Put 3 sunken colonies at each choke point, and about 5-10 spore forming a circumfrence around your base. The make your spire, and many mutalisks. Usethe Mutalisks to scout out and secure any resource caches you can.. It's more important that your opponent doesnt get them rather than you do. Build a hatchery and 5 total colonies for each.Now have all of your bases pump out mutalisks non stop, and send in wave after wave of 12 mutas each. Only use guardians if the enemy has a lot of defences to take out. If so, bring in only guadians and scourges for anti air, plus an overlord if you're playing against terran. If you did all of this quick enough, they should crumble. thats all.

Sumitted by [email protected]
ok first off build about 2 batches of zerg. with the first batch mine with the second batch build sunkens. build AT LEAST 3, but probably 4. This will protect you from any rushers, build them at the same time. Also Zerglings suck, don't build em. Unless you're gonna rush zerglings can't do jack shit. If you get rushed by zealots or marines and zerglings are your defence, good bye. The Sunkens will protect ya. With your next batch make 1 overlord and two drones. With one drone build an extractor with the other mine. When the extractor is done make 1 or 2 drones mine from it. From one of your drones mining make a hydralisk den. Then with your next batch let them be hydralisks. With your next batch 2 hydras and 1 drone. With the drone mine while building a lair. when the lair is done get a drone and morph a spire. While this is goin on make some more hydras and one drone. With that drone make a queens nest. About now you should have a second hatchery too. If you have a terran ally beg for a command center to infest. They rock. While this is goin on be buildin lots of mutas and upgrade on the spire. If the game gets really long (like an hour) start building guardians. But make sure you have plenty of defence and at least 12 mutas before you start doin this. And also another hatchery.

Special SCM Strategy

Submitted by [email protected]
Here is a stratagy that I have found works well on the Zelda scims on battlnet. I know
you have problebly looked at the large array of units to choose from and said, "good lord, what the heck am I going to choose!!!" This is what I have seen winning players do, and tried myself. The first unit you pick for yourself should be the Ghost. I bet your thinging, "the ghost, this guy must have a couple cokes missing out of his 12 pack!!!" But wait; the Ghost has super range, and can start picking off enemy units long before they can start shooting at you. So now that you have a lot of Ghosts you just sit on your fanny long enoughf to get a couple of hero's. So, this is what you do next, get a couple of Arbiters. Now your problebly thinking, "this guy is smarter than I look!!!" Let your Arbiters charge to full energy, while your fellow apponents are cussing because they can't get close to your bunker. And because by now your apponents are pissed off and setting on the defensive, fly your Arbiters close to there men. !!!Warning!!! Not close enoughf to be shot at, but close enoughf to pick off there men or women, whichever you prefer, with your Ghosts. Be quick though, you have to warp in about 3 forces of Ghosts to stand a good chance of taking him out. And then just hang out, as your Ghosts make mince meet of line after line of his troops.This is for the kind of person who used to steal lunch money at school, and not the kind to have gotten lunch money stolen. Thats right, the aggresive type, then I suggest getting Protos scouts. They do the same dammage as mariens, but they have two great perks. #!1 They move much faster and you can rally an attack in half the time of using Mariens, and #2 Since there flying, they can all pack into a much smaller space and make your front lines that much stronger. I also recommend using a defiler once you get a hero. The defiler can use plegue to take dozens of enemy troops down to one hit point at a time, and you can make a few zerglings for the defiler to use consume on and restore its magical powers. And last of all, for you middle types like me, who don't like to attack, or sit around eather. We are basically screwed. I don't have any stratagys for doing that.