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Starcraft, in fact, is very similar to Blizzard's first bestsellers, Warcraft I and II, only better...a lot better. It has a three-quarter isometric view (don't ask me what that means...). Some other imrovements include:

  1. The life meters - they are moved on top of the selected unit

  2. The user interface is moved to the bottom of the screen

  3. There will be larger maps and players will be able to design their own missions using a much more improved map editor.

  4. Instead of nine as the maximum number of units in a group, there will be 12.

  5. Also expect excellent SVGA graphics and cutscenes better than that of Diablo.

Starcraft can be played in:

  1. A one person campaign (story).

  2. A one person mission.

  3. An up to 8 person mission on an IPX network.

  4. An up to 8 person mission on or Kali.

In the game, you have the choice of commanding Terrans, Protoss, or Zerg: three races competing for galactal control or freedom (see races for more info on goals). You have to use resources in order to train and expand a good military to defeat the other sides.